Sunday, March 23, 2008

Today was Easter! I got to get all dressed up, like a princess, in a new pretty blue dress. My shoes were white instead of glass and I had to wear a sweater because it was cold, but I still felt like Cinderella. I even had little white gloves to wear.

The Easter Bunny came and left me an Easter basket on the dining room table, and he hid one under Uncle Paul's desk. That was a tricky one to find. I went all over the house, even looking under the couch in the family room before I saw it. Daddy forgot to take pictures with Grandma's camera, so they re-hid my basket and I had to find it again. Mommy said they would hide it someplace different, so boy was I surprised when I found it in the same place!

We went to church, where I did a pretty good job of being quiet and not too fidgety (an hour is a really long time to be good, you know), and then came home and I got to watch tv while Mommy and Daddy got our fancy lunch ready. We had ham, which is one of my favorites, and corn and sweet potatoes and scalloped potatoes and broccoli. The best part was eating black olives off of my fingers. Daddy and Grandpa think they're yucky, but Mommy and I know that they're good. I ate so much that I thought I was going to pop!!

I was really sad that we had to leave Grandma and Grandpa's house today and come back home. But I have to go to school tomorrow and my teacher would miss me if I weren't there.

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