Friday, July 18, 2008

This was me yesterday afternoon

(trying to keep my eyes open this time)
Today on the way home from the gym, I was trying to show Mommy how wiggly my tooth was, but she couldn't really see it in the mirror. She asked me how it was doing and if it was still in my mouth. I told her no it wasn't because I just pulled it out. Then I dropped it!! Mommy told me not to move and she pulled into a parking lot and got out to help me find it. We looked on my booster seat and it wasn't there. It must have gotten stuck in the folds of my shirt or shorts because all of a sudden Mommy found it on the floor. I held it until we got home and then Mommy carried it into the house for me so I wouldn't lose it again. Once we got inside, I took it to my room and put it in my tooth pillow so it will be ready for the tooth fairy to find tonight.

Here I am after losing my first tooth. The one next to it is also pretty wiggly, so maybe it won't be long before it comes out, too!

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