Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's finally here. Today was the first day of school! I've been waiting and waiting to be in first grade and now I finally am.

It was hard getting up this morning. We were gone all weekend and were very busy, so I was pretty tired last night. I had to get up earlier than I've been getting up during the summer. I finally got going and after breakfast I got my new backpack and my new lunch box and I was ready to go.
Ready to Go to School
Mommy promised me that I could ride the bus to and from school this year. Last year I only rode the bus home. We got to the bus stop plenty early. I was the first one there. While we were waiting, Mommy took some pictures of my new brace. I just got my DAFO on Friday. I really like the butterflies on it. Lucky for me, knee socks are in style this year, so I'll have plenty to choose from since my DAFO is taller than my SMO and I can't wear short socks anymore.
Check out My New DAFO
Check out My New DAFO
Mommy is so silly sometimes. She was so busy watching me get on the bus that she forgot to take a picture. I sat on the far side of the bus, so all you can see is the top of my head in the middle window.
On the Bus, Ready to Go
And there I go.....off on my first day of first grade.
And There She Goes
And There She Goes
Things got off to a little bit of a rocky start, but once they settled down, I had a great day. About half the kids from my kindergarten class are in my class again this year. I really like my teacher and our parapro. They are very nice and very helpful when I have a problem. It was different being in school all day and eating lunch at school instead of at home. I'm going to have to start eating faster because we don't have a whole lot of time to eat and I wasn't able finish my lunch today. I was really, really tired when I got home today, but I think I'm going to really like first grade.

No pictures of me getting off the bus, like we had last year, because Mommy was so worried about getting to the bus stop on time she forgot the camera. As it turned out, she was there in plenty of time, but was worried that if she went back for the camera, she would end up being late, so no pictures. Oh well, there's always next year.

Tonight, after supper, we went to school for an ice cream social. I saw some of my friends from my class and a friend that used to be in my swimming class when I was younger and who is in kindergarten at my school now. After we ate ice cream, I took Mommy and Daddy inside to see my classroom and meet my teacher. We also walked around and saw where I will have art class and music class, and I took a peek in my kindergarten classroom.

By the time we got home, I was ready for a bath and bed. It's been a very long day. I'm not going to have any trouble going to sleep tonight, that's for sure!

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